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Apr 07, 2022

Why do some people always experience sadness

causes of sadness and depression and their treatment

some of the greatest personalities who have brought about changes in the world have been victims of depression. Great creations in this world are born out of the minds of people who have plunged into depression

Manic depressive disorder or Bipolar Disorder is characterized by hallucinations and intermittent feelings of joy and depression. These fluctuations in mood cause feelings of ecstasy, and the affected people also suffer from delusions.

Symptoms of manic depressive disorder include insomnia, fatigue, negative thoughts, periods of loss of the sense of colour and taste, long periods of sadness, lack of enthusiasm, feelings of impending disaster, guilt, difficulty in facing people, and feelings of incapability, etc. A person suffering from this illness goes through life without any happiness or enthusiasm.

However, some of the greatest personalities who have brought about changes in the world have been victims of depression. Great creations in this world are born out of the minds of people who have plunged into depression. Manic depressive disorder, which causes periods of hallucinations and feelings of exhilaration and despair, opens the doors to a state of ecstasy and the development of paranoia in a person.

It is a well-known fact that many famous artists have experienced the manic depressive disorder. The ability to respond to a variety of stimuli is a key characteristic of those suffering from manic depression. Einstein used to express sadness and dissatisfaction throughout his life. Isaac Newton was a victim of paranoid thoughts. Throughout his life, he had many extraordinary doubts. At times when it is difficult to differentiate between imagination and reality, the mind loses control and the person experiences an attack of frenzy.

The mood is the basic emotional state of a person. However, the shifts in emotions experienced by some people are more intense and longer-lasting compared to normal mood changes. This means that they are suffering from emotional distress. They experience depression when their mood is low and ecstasy when their mood is high.

People with depression who go undiagnosed

Many patients approach doctors with obvious bodily symptoms such as chest pain, numbness, stomach problems, etc. Many a time, a medical examination does not help diagnose any problems in people suffering from such discomforts. People often experience these issues when they are depressed. Some studies show that people who suffer from depression are often the ones who become addicted to alcohol and drugs.

Depression is a very common mental disorder. Disasters and setbacks in life are the major causes of depression. For some people, it is just a temporary phase in life. However, some people find it difficult to overcome depression. They become depressed frequently. Sometimes, people remain in a depressed state for years. This is referred to as dysthymia.

When people experience episodes of ecstasy and depression

People who experience feelings of ecstasy and depression work themselves into a frenzy of rage. They express excessive happiness, talk a lot, boast that they have extraordinary capabilities, and often tend to over-speed when driving. Lunatic depression, which leads to episodes of excitement and sadness, is more dangerous than ordinary depression. During periods of uncontrolled excitement, people with lunatic depression display more self-confidence, happiness, and anger.

Why do people feel sad

Modern-day neuroscience researchers have been able to correctly understand the main causes of the development of depression. Variations in the production and availability of neurotransmitters such as norepinephrine and dopamine often cause depression. Serotonin is the neurotransmitter that is responsible for controlling the states of happiness, mood, behavioural patterns, violent behaviour, and memory in a person. Our emotions are influenced by neurotransmitters that enable interactions between hormones and neurons. People who experience severe episodes of depression and frenzy frequently lose their sense of time, space, and surroundings. Illusions and sounds overpower them, and they lose control of their emotions. Patients suffering from insanity experience transcendental wisdom because of the disruptions caused to complex neural networks and pathways outside the brain.

Some people are biologically predisposed to depression. When they experience mental stress and adverse circumstances, they slip into depression. Behaviour genetics has shown that inherited behaviour expresses itself under favourable circumstances.

Regular use of certain medications can cause depression. Sometimes it is a symptom of some medical conditions. Some studies show that 25% of those suffering from cancer experience depression. Degenerative conditions like Parkinson's disease and strokes, and lower levels of thyroid hormone can cause depression. Hormones and the nervous system have a key role to play in the normal functioning of the neuro-endocrine system. Biological functions such as reproduction, metabolism, and blood pressure are controlled by this system (the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, also known as the HPA axis or HTPA axis). In people who suffer from depression, there will be abnormalities in the functioning of their systems. This, in turn, impacts the rhythm of activities such as eating and sleeping during the times when they experience an episode of depression. Actually, depression is also a medical condition like diabetes or hypothyroidism. That's why everyone is prone to depression.

There are many causes of depression and other mental illnesses. Only an experienced psychiatrist can determine the severity of depression and suggest suitable treatment. Family doctors often fail to diagnose the condition of their patients. Therefore, the treatment they provide often leads to negative results. Medication is not essential for patients who experience a less severe form of depression.

What is the treatment for severe depression

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the most scientific, psychological, and effective treatment for depression. It is very helpful in consciously injecting rational thoughts into a person who maintains irrational thoughts. Non-severe cases of depression can be completely treated through CBT as it helps to assess the severity of an affected person's condition and helps him/her to get rid of unhealthy thoughts through creative thinking. A psychiatrist assists the patient in the process.

However, anti-depressant medications are required to treat those with severe depression. The anti-depressant medications that are mainly used for treatment help maintain normal levels of neurochemicals such as serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine in patients. They belong to a class of medication called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs). Modern neuroscience specialists and researchers have developed mood stabilizers for those suffering from depression and insanity. Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS), a non-invasive treatment, is very helpful for patients with depression. Research studies carried out at Stanford University by subjecting patients who did not respond to psychotherapy and medications to rTMS therapy showed a reduction in the severity of their condition. rTMS therapy stimulates brain nerve cells and improves the symptoms of depression. There are no side effects to employing this technology, which involves the use of electrodes in certain areas of the brain and allowing thin lymphatic waves to pass through them.

Prasad Amore
Prasad Amore

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