Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder


Obsessive compulsive personality disorder (OCPD), a chronic mental health condition, is characterized by extreme neatness, perfectionism, and orderliness. Individuals with OCPD often feel a compulsion to impose their standards on others as well as the outside environment. Famous people with OCPD include Megan Fox, David Beckham, Justin Timberlake, and Jessica Alba, among others.

OCPD Characteristics or Anankastic Personality Traits:

• Find it difficult when it comes to expressing their feelings
• Experience difficulty in forming and maintaining relationships with others
• Though hardworking, they are often inefficient because of their obsession with perfection
• Feelings of righteousness and anger
• Are often socially isolated
• Experience the anxiety that often occurs with depression

OCPD and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are different. OCD is an anxiety disorder. Those with OCPD will never have any doubts as to whether the way they behave or think is wrong. In fact, they strongly believe that the way they think and act is perfectly alright and that others are all wrong.


The signs and symptoms of OCPD may include:

• Perfectionism to such a level that it impairs your ability to complete tasks
• Formal, stiff, or rigid mannerisms
• Extreme frugality, especially when it comes to money
• An overwhelming compulsion to be punctual
• Extreme attention to details
• Excessive dedication to work even though it leads to family or social relationship problems
• Hoarding useless and worn-out items
• An inability to delegate or share work because of an obsession with perfectionism
• An obsession with lists
• Total adherence to rules as well as regulations
• An obsession with orderliness
• A strong sense of righteousness as regards the way everything should be done
• An unbending adherence to ethical and moral codes

You are diagnosed with OCPD when symptoms hamper your ability to function normally and interact with others.

OCPD often manifests in two ways:

Some individuals with OCPD are perfectionists. They feel that things have to happen as they want life to go on as planned. They will be extremely anxious, but they may not become angry. Some others believe that they are the guardians of the truth. Anyone who disagrees with them is either wrong or intentionally misleading them. This makes them angry. During interactions with other people, when the situation drifts away from expectations, OCPD anger outbursts may occur.

Causes and Risk Factors

The exact reason for the development of OCPD is not known. Research shows that genetics and childhood experiences have a key role to play in the development of OCPD in individuals. Furthermore, the probability of males developing this disorder is two times higher than females.

In cases wherein genetics is involved, the parenting style could be the key factor that leads a vulnerable person towards OCPD, especially if a parent is protective or highly controlling, or punitive. In such a scenario, OCPD develops as a survival mechanism that helps avoid punishment. As OCPD-like behaviour is documented in kids, it is difficult to assess the different ways in which genetics and parenting interact to fuel the development of this disorder.


An obsessive-compulsive personality disorder test, which is based on the prescribed OCPD diagnostic criteria, will help your therapist quickly understand the severity of your condition. Based on the test result, your therapist may recommend a three-pronged treatment approach: cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), medication, and relaxation training.

At SoftMind, we don’t recommend medication for mild to moderate cases of OCPD. Psychotherapy or talk therapy, which includes cognitive behavioural therapy, relieves symptoms to a great extent. Mental health professionals at SoftMind, the best centre for psychotherapy treatments in Alleppey, have the expertise and experience to help you overcome this mental health condition.

Our experts may consider prescribing medications as part of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder treatment in Alleppey only if you have a chronic condition. Typically, medications such as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are recommended to reduce your anxiety. Besides, medications are prescribed only if our experts feel that a combination of CBT and medication will be helpful in your case.

Relaxation training, which involves the use of breathing techniques, may also be recommended to reduce stress.