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Jun 21, 2022

Perverted Sexual Relationships and Autism


It is important to ensure that he is able to masturbate and vent his feelings. You should also tell him how to do it. At his age, he is likely to act based on biological stimulation.

 Please listen to the conversation between Surendran and Radha, parents of an autistic child:

"Vishnu is 18 years old. Do you notice some changes in his behaviour?"

"I don’t understand what you are trying to tell me."

"Don’t you know that sex organs like the penis and testicles become active during adolescence? Children in their teens experience erections and ejaculation. They also feel like having sex. We need to understand this and act accordingly."

"What do you mean?"

"You have to find a way to help him deal with his sexual urges."


"It is important to ensure that he is able to masturbate and vent his feelings. You should also tell him how to do it. At his age, he is likely to act based on biological stimulation. You have to tell him in the best possible manner that sex is a biological need. You should also tell him that he should not suppress his feelings as it could only aggravate his present condition."

"Whatever you are saying is totally against our culture and social fabric. He was born with autism because of the perverse physical relationship I had with you, a person with a dirty mind."

"Not true at all. Surendran, you are wrong. In sex, there is nothing called perversion. Children with autism are not born because of engaging in a different sexual relationship. Wrong parenting, vaccinations, and lack of nutrition do not cause autism. The thinking that the increased incidence of autism in recent times is due to excessive use of electronic gadgets is also not correct. Autistic children were there even before the advent of TV, the Internet, and mobile phones. As scientists get to know more about autism, more and more children are being diagnosed as having autism and are reported."

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a condition that occurs because of a combination of certain specific behavioural characteristics. There will be differences in the way children suffering from autism behave and lead their lives. Those suffering from autism will not be interested in mingling with other people. They don’t show any remorse or get emotionally attached to anyone. Besides, they lack the ability to communicate with others. Generally, they prefer to live alone. Moreover, they repeatedly exhibit the same kinds of behaviour and body movements. They are also focused on performing various activities in the same fashion. Genetics has a very important role to play in causing autism. Diseases affecting the brain and hormonal disorders experienced during pregnancy are the leading causes of autism in children.

Children with autism experience many emotional and mental problems. Some of these problems include the inability to concentrate on anything, a short temper, a tendency to attack others, performing the same activity repeatedly, and the inability to sit quietly for even a short period of time. Moreover, the belief that autistic children have extraordinary talents compared to normal children of their age is not true. A majority of autistic children have low IQs. Some children may be good at certain things, but those talents are not created by autism.

What Should Parents Do

An infant's brain is very delicate. It develops through social interaction. The neuron connections, which develop only because of interaction with the outside world, are very crucial for children. The cell connections that shape social behaviour and help infants survive are acquired through interactions between the infant's neurons and muscles, as well as its body and the outside world. The child also reacts to the sounds, figures, and shapes in its environment. Hearing sounds, seeing colours, and gaining experience are all factors that contribute to the intellectual development of an infant. That’s why parents should avoid situations that can hamper the biological growth of their infant’s brain.

Parents should also observe whether there is any delay in the different stages of their child’s physical development. Lack of speech, unusual behaviour, stammering, reluctance to socialize, difficulties in communicating with those around them, and doing different activities, in the same way, are some of the other aspects that parents should watch out for.

Most of the sexual behaviours in childhood and adolescence are part and parcel of a natural physical and mental growth process. If children and adolescents with autism are engaging in problematic sexual behaviour, it could be due to social, communication, and sensory problems. That’s why it is important to seek professional help to understand the sexual behaviour of autistic children.

As of today, there is no treatment for autism. Behavioural therapy will be required to manage the behaviour issues of people with autistic spectrum conditions. Medication may be required to control emotional outbursts. Psychiatrists, rehabilitation psychologists, clinical psychologists, and occupational therapists can be of help in their treatment.

Prasad Amore
Prasad Amore

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