adhd among children in Kerala

Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a chronic behavioural disorder that typically develops during childhood and frequently continues into adulthood. The brain disorder is characterized by a short attention span, an inability to remain calm and still (hyperactivity), and poor impulse control (impulsive behaviour).

Children suffering from ADHD may also experience low self-esteem, poor performance in school, and trouble building relationships. Symptoms may lessen with age, but some individuals fail to completely overcome their ADHD symptoms.

In the case of people with ADHD, the characteristic behaviours can interfere with their daily activities like school, work, and relationships with other children or colleagues. As affected individuals find it difficult to stay focused on their tasks, they may often be easily distracted. They also frequently avoid tasks that require them to concentrate for an extended period of time. They may also experience difficulty in organizing tasks and frequently lose items.

More than 67 percent of the individuals affected by attention deficit disorder often exhibit additional conditions such as mood/anxiety disorders, learning disorders, insomnia, or substance use disorders. Individuals with ADHD may also suffer from autism spectrum disorder.


Typically, the features of ADHD are inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsive behaviour. ADHD symptoms often start showing up before age 12. In some children, the symptoms may be noticeable by age 3. The symptoms may be categorized as mild, moderate, or severe. Furthermore, the symptoms can continue into adulthood.

The possibility of the occurrence of ADHD is more in males than in females. Besides, behaviours may be different in girls and boys. For example, while girls often tend to remain quiet and inattentive, boys may exhibit hyperactivity.

The three ADHD subtypes are:

• Predominantly inattentive
• Predominantly hyperactive/impulsive
• A combination of inattentiveness and hyperactivity/impulsivity

Symptoms of ADHD in Children


• Fails to pay attention to details/makes careless mistakes in schoolwork
• Has trouble focusing on tasks and games
• Fails to listen even when directly addressed
• Has difficulty in following instructions and fails to finish chores or schoolwork
• Has trouble organizing activities and tasks
• Avoids tasks that call for focused mental effort
• Loses things needed for activities and tasks
• Is easily distracted
• Forgets to do a few daily activities

Hyperactivity and Impulsivity

• Fidgets with his/her hands/feet
• Has difficulty in staying in his/her seat in the classroom/other situations
• Is in constant motion
• Runs around especially when it is not right to do so
• Has trouble playing/doing an activity
• Talks too much
• Blurts out answers
• Interrupts the person asking questions
• Has difficulty in waiting for his/her turn
• Interrupts others' conversations, games, or activities

Symptoms of ADHD in Adults

Adult ADHD symptoms include:

• Impulsiveness
• Poor time management skills
• Inability to focus on a task
• Inability to multitask
• Restlessness or excessive activity
• Inability to plan
• Low level of frustration tolerance
• Frequent mood swings
• Problems in following through and finishing tasks
• Hot temper
• Trouble in coping with stress

ADHD Causes

The exact reason for the development of ADHD is not yet clear. Research shows that factors such as genetics, the environment, and/or developmental problems related to the central nervous system may be involved.

Risk factors may include:

• Blood relatives (a parent or sibling) having ADHD or some other mental health disorder
• Exposure to toxins such as lead in paints and pipes in old buildings
• Maternal drug and/or alcohol usage
• Smoking during pregnancy
• Premature birth


While there is no treatment to cure ADHD, timely intervention helps a great deal in reducing the symptoms. Typically, treatment involves medications and behavioural interventions. Early diagnosis and the right treatment can make life much easier for affected people.

It is a challenging task to diagnose ADHD, especially when it comes to children. There is no single adult ADHD test to diagnose the condition. Mental health professionals make use of specific guidelines and diagnose ADHD based on symptoms and how long the affected person has been having them. However, they may call for a battery of other tests to rule out other conditions.

If you are wondering where you can get ADHD treatment in Trivandrum, you don’t have to look beyond SoftMind, the best centre for psychotherapy treatments in Trivandrum. At SoftMind, we do not recommend any type of medication for mild to moderate cases. Medications may be prescribed for those with chronic behavioural disorders and other co-occurring mental health conditions.

Psychotherapists and hypnotherapists at SoftMind have the experience and expertise to help you manage many symptoms of ADHD by employing a multimodal approach that involves both medication and therapy.